Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The first work of the Basilika cultural initiative is heard.

  • In order to become a space for critical reflection, the cultural initiative Basilika has been put to work following the path of podcasts. Today it has five programs, and the first session can already be heard on the web.
Basilika ekimeneko partaideak (Argazkia: Basilika)

Artists, writers, filmmakers, researchers, journalists... are part of the Basilika initiative. It aims to be a space for critical reflection, "with the intention of going beyond the logic of promotion that cultural issues often have", and has started its journey in podcasting format. At the moment, there are five programs that articulate the initiative and that are independent, although it is "an ongoing dialogue between them".

The first program can already be heard on its web, and it is directed by Gorka Bereziartua and BEÑAT Sarasola and is broadcast within the radio space Zeelanda Berria. The following programmes complete the list: Phoenix Ragazza by Jone Uriarte and Lur Olaizola, Irati Urrestarazu and Shatsa Jauregi Berdela, Jon Urzelai and Kepa Matxainen Sakoneta, and Sector Conflictivo de Pablo Marte.

As explained by the members of the initiative, Basilika includes a "heterogeneous group of concerns" and different ways of making based between Donostia and Bilbao, with a concrete intention: to produce specific programmes and periodicals of podcasts of cultural dimension. "The group has the desire to address cultural production in depth, but also to get out of solitary thinking, to expand, to create links and links," they said.


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