The Member has asked the Social Security Council for a meeting on the imposition of fines on the baserritars they sold at trade fairs in various countries. In Tolosa, Hernani and Ordizia, among others, have been the Social Security inspectors and have imposed at least a dozen sanctions on retired baserritars who sell their products on the market.
The situation causes responsibility and forces many baserritars to abandon their position. To resolve this issue, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has decided to request a meeting of the Social Security Council. The Green Territorial Balance Deputy, Xabier Arruti, pointed out in a press release that the objective of the meeting is to assess and analyze the context of the fines imposed and “to seek a solution that guarantees this action”.
According to Arruti, “there are currently alternatives for the group of retirees to continue to develop complementary economic activities, such as active retirement”. He adds that “Unfortunately, as it is currently designed, this active retirement does not solve the situation, as it is a group receiving a minimum pension”. He said they will seek the “formula that best suits the reality of baserritars.” “For our part, we will join the Social Security, which is the competent in this matter, in order to reach an agreement compatible with our reality.”
Ostegun arratsean abiatu da Lurrama, Bidarteko Estian egin den mahai-inguru batekin. Bertan, Korsika eta Euskal Herriaren bilakaera instituzionala jorratu dute. Besteak beste, Peio Dufau diputatua eta Jean René Etxegarai, Euskal Hirigune Elkargoko lehendakaria, bertan... [+]
The two main voters in Kanbo (the mayor and the prime minister) are the rabid ones. Three citizens have been beaten with a plainta, for protesting in favour of the eviction of the neighbor Marienea.Es the second time that, at 06:00 in the morning, they take us out of bed (with... [+]