Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Considerations to assist in retirement and transfer of the landfill

  • Until July, the Basque Country Chamber of Agriculture organized a series of meetings on the need to take account of farmers in the removal and transfer of the farm. Meetings are an opportunity to reflect on all questions and concerns.

17 May 2022 - 11:12

The sessions will be held in Ainiza Monjolos and will deal with themes such as portrait rights, tax devices, family organization, estimation of the value of the estate and construction of the project of transmission of the estate.

Isabelle Laclau will be a consultant in the MSA’s rights of toilet (19 May at 9:30), a lawyer of taxation (2 June at 10:30); in relation to the family organization, notary Christophe Gourgue will explain the forms of transmission within the family (10 June at 13:30 a.m.); the expert in the transfer of funds will contribute to the

More information on the phone 05 59 37 18 82 (EHLG).

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