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Baserriko Uzta returns on 2 April after two years stop at Baztan

  • The Petti concert will be in charge of opening the third edition of the Baserriko Uzta initiative organized by EHKOlektiboa. Culture is intended to bring together farms that are based on agroecology and citizenship.
Eñaut Elorrietaren kontzertua, 2019ko edizioan. Argazkia: Baserriko Uzta

24 March 2022 - 13:06

The aim of Baserriko Uzta is for neighbours to know firsthand the farms and how the products and the work of the baserritars are worked. The initiative had to be suspended in 2020 because of the pandemic and this year the project has been resumed. This year it will be organised in three stations: The spring in Aniz (Baztan), on 2 April; the summer in Bizkaia, with exact date and place; and the autumn in Ibarlan (Baxe Navarra), on 8 October.

The initiative combines farmhouse, organic farming and Basque music. As stated by Josebe Blanco, “Closely, we hope that the format will give us a space for knowledge and dialogue.” Baserriko Uzta emerged in the fall of 2017 from the collaboration between the collective EHKOkolektiboa and the Paper Concerts, the result of "the desire to boost Basque culture, unite and strengthen the community".

This year's first "harvest" will begin in the Navarre town of Aniz, at the Jauregia estate. On this farm they produce cow's milk and are part of it with agrotourism.

All this year's edition programs and information have been prepared through the address

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