The AireNet platform denounced last April the incinerator of Barcelona, as LUZ once revealed, as the culprit of the fact that the rate of cancers in these areas is 2.5 times higher than the Catalan average. Neighbors have repeatedly called for the closure of TERSA’s incinerator. Evidence was presented in the report “High cancer risks by exposure to PCDD/Fs in the neighborhood of an Integrated Waste Management Facility”, published in the summer of 2017 by the Professor of Toxicology, José Luis Domingo, in the specialized journal Science of the Total Environmental, which details the causative particles in the soil and air around the incinerator, showing that the town of Sant Adrià may be the most polluted area in Catalonia.
But in addition to that, a new piece of evidence was brought to court by citizens in April. The measurements carried out inside the factory by the TERSA, which manages the incinerator, seem to show that the garbage is burned without always reaching 800 degrees Celsius, as the proponents of incineration always argue that it is without reaching the level of combustion without producing dioxins. The Airenet denounced that the company has disconnected the grading system for concealing these errors, and also presented the prosecutor with photos and videos showing more other errors.
Although the Barcelona City Council and the incinerators argued that everything was fine, now the prosecutor’s office has decided that the court needs to start an official investigation.
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