Maider García, daughter of the late GAL, Juan Carlos García Goena, has pointed out that it is time for Spanish President Pedro Sánchez to “apologize and acknowledge once and for all”. He denounces that former Interior Minister José Barrionuevo has “humiliated” the victims of state terrorism in an interview given to the newspaper El País, and underlines the responsibility of the PSOE: “PSOE abbreviations are stained.” Pili Zabala, daughter of Joxi Zabala, killed by the GAL, appears “dolida” for the “legal uncertainty” of the GAL victims.
In the same way Maria Jauregi, the daughter of Juan María Jauregi killed by ETA, spoke: “I’ve been confused to read Barrionuevo’s interview. The dirty war has no justification. Have nothing to say about the government of Sánchez or the PSOE?” he told them on Twitter.
In fact, former EA parliamentarian Iñaki Galdos recalled that a week before the 40th anniversary of the arrival of the PSOE to the Spanish Government, Barrionuevo, was present together with several party members.
Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska has been the first to make statements from the PSOE government. Barrionuevo stressed that the words were "very serious" and condemned the "terrorist actions of the GAL", as EITB announced.
Rafaela Romero, PSE-EE member and MEP for Mobility and Spatial Planning in Gipuzkoa, warned that “Barrionuevo has humiliated the victims, as a humble welcome to the victims of ETA”. It calls for an investigation into the words of the former interior minister as a crime in statements made in Euskadi Radio. “It is not possible to apologize for violence in a media,” he stresses that he thought “the pride shown”. He does not consider it necessary for Sánchez to say something, “he can be a government representative.”
PSE-EE Secretary General Eneko Andueza published the same opinion in a statement, highlighting the following: "The terrorist actions of the GAL will always be the subject of a strong condemnation of the PSE-EE". At the same time, he criticises asking for explanations "who have not yet condemned ETA".
Among many other reactions, representatives of the Basque Government have also responded, although lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu has not yet talked about the issue. The Minister for Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Beatriz Artolazabal, has shown her rejection: “The statements made by former socialist minister José Barrionuevo cannot be described as justifying state terrorism or, rather, the statements made. I hope to receive the answer from all the political sensitivities that we condemn all terrorism. All empathy and solidarity with the victims of state terrrorism”.
Government spokesman Bingen Zupiria explained in Euskadi Radio that he feels “just humiliation” if he gets into the skin of the GAL victims: “The things Barrionuevo has said and the tone he has used are very painful for the victims.” He adds that “the citizens who have justified ETA’s violence” have been remembered with the statements of the former minister.
Arnaldo Otegi, general coordinator of EH Bildu, addressed the Government of Spain: “When is the state declaration of October 18?” “If he ordered Marey to be released, it was because he promised to try to kidnap Larretxea too, and kill others on behalf of the GAL,” Twitter said.
Ione Belarra, Secretary General of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, has criticized that state terrorism is “normal”. Also, Pablo Iglesias, former secretary of Podemos and former vice-president of Spain, has denounced that the state has done “terrorism”: “Barrionuevo was in prison for only three months. It was proclaimed by Felipe González and Mariano Rajoy collaborated with Barrionuevo. Is justice a rationalized aspiration of those with power? Clearly,” he says.
In fact, the foundation of victims of Spanish state terrorism has denounced the impunity of Barrionuevo's words and warned that "justice is unbalanced". They report that the perpetrators of the dirty war have not been sentenced to prison.
The Fernando Buesa Foundation considers what was said in the interview unacceptable: "Reading the dialogue is offensive and offensive to GAL victims and society. It is absolutely unacceptable to defend the dirty war in a democratic country. It was a mistake, unjustifiable."
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