From the Government of Spain, the Egia Foundation awaits a "clear statement" and this "to assume responsibilities and recognize the pain caused".The petition comes the day after the publication of former Interior Minister José Barrionuevo in the newspaper El País on the weekend. He points out that he ordered the kidnapping of José María Larretxea, member of ETApm, "to be arrested and transferred to Spain" for being in charge of the operation of the kidnapping of Captain Alberto Martín Barrios: "They captured him, but he was a big guy, he put resistance and he didn't enter the trunk. While fighting, the French police arrived and frustrated the kidnapping.” This attempted kidnapping was explained by Larretxea herself in an interview with the newspaper in 1996, deported in Cuba.
They therefore call on the Spanish Government to take responsibility at last. In addition, in the hearing, they request that "the secret documentation for resolving crimes caused by state terrorism be declassified".
The statements of Barrionuevo were only a confirmation of the truth for those of Egia Zor: "They haven't brought anything new that we didn't know before." Once again, justice and the prosecution have lamented the logic of impunity for the events of the dirty war.
Following the instructions of Berria, members of the Egia Zor Foundation announce that the relatives of José María Larretxea Goñi are studying the possibility of going to trial.
Felipe Gonzálezen garaian Espainiako Barne ministroa zen José Barrionuevoren aurkako kereila aurkeztuko dute, Ipar Euskal Herriko errefuxiatuen aurka abiatu zuen estrategiagatik. ZEN Zona Especial Norte Planaren barruan egindako ekintzen erantzule nagusietako bat... [+]
Javier Chicote eta Juan Fernández-Miranda kazetariek El jefe de los espías (Espioien burua) liburua argitaratu berri dute. ABC espainiar egunkariko kazetariak dira biak, lehena ikerketa taldekoa eta bigarrena ABCko zuzendariaren albokoa. Hamalau urtez Espainiako... [+]