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Microplastics are also found in the testicles

  • In the testicles of people and dogs, microplastics have been found at significant levels. And researchers warn that this can affect fertility decline. The study was published in the journal Toxicological Sciences.
Argazkia: European Commission (Lukasz Kobus) / CC BY 4.0
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

31 May 2024 - 10:10

Testes of 47 dogs and 23 men have been analyzed, and all of them have found microplastics of 12 types. In the case of dogs, on average, 123 micrograms of plastic per gram of organic matter have been found; in man, 328 micrograms, three times more than in dogs, and much more than a few months ago another study found in human lime (126.8 µg/g).

In all cases, polyethylene was the most represented polymer. Then in dogs, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and nylon; and in people, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), nylon and PVC, respectively.

Some fertility parameters have also been measured in dogs and the higher PET and PVC, the lower the weight of the testes and the lower the amount of sperm. These data are simple correlations and have not analyzed any causality. However, researchers suggest that it may be related to the decrease in the number of sperm seen in people in recent years. And they stress the importance of investigating that.

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