The Assembly Against the Bardenas Shooting Camp will soon celebrate its XXXII march, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the death of antinuclear militant Gladys del Estal. They will therefore table a motion in the municipalities of Navarre through the political parties so that the local institutions can support the march and ratify their commitment to the shooting zone.
The Assembly has once again underlined the contradictions and risks associated with the military infrastructure of the Royal Bardenas. Thus, it is claimed that the field of gunfire has long been small for the ammunition used by the current fighter aircraft. Consequently, they have denounced that, in addition to the shooting zone, they use the entire natural park of the Bardenas and lands of the surrounding municipalities to carry out their maneuvers, “which creates risks for the civilian population and, of course, military actions also damage the natural spaces”.
In recent years, maneuvers have intensified in the Bardenas, due, among other factors, to the rise of global military tension. In the motion tabled, municipalities are urged to require specific explanations from the Spanish Minister of Defence. In addition, they have asked the Community of Bardenas to use the fee or money raised by the use of the shooting range to repair the damage caused by the war and to help the victims.
They have also arranged a meal for June 3, after the march that will take place in the morning until the door of the shooting field. In addition to the Assembly Against the Field of Shooting, they have also called the Zitara Ekologistak Martxan, EKA and Ejea, and the platforms No to the War of the Peoples.
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