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Report on new manoeuvres in the Bardenas shooting range

  • The Assembly against the shooting range has denounced that new military manoeuvres are being carried out in the Bardenas, which could be executed with real fire. He criticizes that, in times of pandemic, taxes are destined to test war maneuvers.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

18 February 2021 - 11:39

The assembly against the shooting polygon criticizes the cutting of roads and the attack on an area of great ecological richness: “They cut the roads to the dryers and when the birds nest authorize the bombardments.”

"The Bardenas are a chiringuito to entertain the Spanish Air Force and its allied forces," the platform criticized in a statement. "By manoeuvring and bombing, they bury the taxes that should be put on health, education and social care," he added. In addition, he stressed that "it is a place where the bombs and manoeuvres used in wars that generate fear, misery, hunger and refugees are tested".

The group opposed to the polygon has asked the Navarre institutions to take steps to ensure that there is no other convention allowing the Bardenas to have a shooting and bombing range within them for a longer time. "This is what paralyzes the last generation in the midst of a pandemic, which has to endure our taxes being transferred to military aircraft, bombs and missiles, and our Natural Park and the Biosphere Reserve being a place of military training."

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