Sasieta, a native of Urkullu, has always been linked to the rural world and to agriculture. “We live on the street in the era of studies, but we have always had a close relationship with the family farmhouse,” he says. Despite not being professional, he has always kept his activity in the farmhouse, until in 2011 he decided to take the leap. “As for the way of production, it was to continue with the activity of the farmhouse, but growing a little,” he explained. In fact, like the previous ones, in Urteaga-Urkullu they have a diversified production: orchard, fruit trees, cows… “With our way of working it is essential to diversify, orchard and livestock go together, for example, to be able to pay for manure. And also with regard to the workload, I find it more balanced to carry out activities throughout the year,” he added.
In any case, as Sasieta explained, the orchard is the main activity developed in the project. Since its inception, work is being done on an ecological model, convinced that it is the only way to take care of the product they offer to the consumer and to work without damaging the land. The distribution of vegetables in the consumption group is carried out weekly through baskets and shops and restaurants in the area. “We also sold through the Biziola cooperative that was launched in the Goierri,” he added.
They also have fruit trees and small fruits in Urteaga-Urkullu, with which they produce juice. “Juices are based on apples, but we also make other mixtures: with pears, small fruits, apple with berries or kiwi…” For the time being, the transformations take place in the Goizane de Zaldibia centre, although in the farmhouse itself a small space is being prepared for the transformation and production of juice at home.
Beef cows have seven mothers in the farmhouse and beef is sold through the Eco High Meat project. “In 2014 we met four meat producers who worked at the Goierri ecologically to give visibility to the model. We saw it more appropriate to do teamwork,” he says. There are currently six people working on the project selling meat in lots through nearby marketing channels. As in this project, Sasieta has argued that the alliances between farmers and livestock farmers are essential both at the local and Euskal Herria levels. “We are also members of Biolur, we are also at EHKOlektiboa… we have always wanted to promote cooperation in all areas,” he says.
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