Basque and Basque athletes from Barañáin have met to denounce the completion of sports care in Basque. As a result of this agreement, they stressed that "also in this municipal service, the city council takes the Euskaldunes of the town as second-class citizens".
Remember that until 2021 the administrative post of the sports service was attended by a bilingual worker with an Basque profile. "The UPN, in its day ID+, along with other jobs, removed the Basque knowledge requirement. Now the new worker has joined this post, and since the knowledge of the Basque is not required, he is monolingual and cannot attend in Basque", they have denounced.
In the manifesto they have disseminated, they denounced the "Euskafoba attitude" of UPN, and stressed that these changes represent a "loss in the quality of municipal services". "In addition, this measure goes against the ordinance of the Basque Country of Barañáin, whose objective is "to ensure that the residents of Barañáin have municipal services in Euskera". Furthermore, under this Ordinance, the Administrative Tribunal of Navarra dismissed the similar measures taken by the City of Barañáin, including those of the Janitors of Lagunak and Kultur Etxea," they recalled.
This group of Basque and Basque athletes from Barañáin has pointed out that they will "strongly" defend the right to practice "in Basque in Barañáin, his free time, his education, his work environment, sports practice or the relationship with the City Hall".
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.