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26 students of the Alaitz Institute of Barañáin are left out of the Baccalaureate for the reduction of a Model D class

  • A total of 26 students from the Alaitz Institute of Barañain have been left out of the baccalaureate list due to the cut of a classroom. Calls have been mobilised to denounce the cuts in pensions for workers.
Alaitz institutuan egindako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia:
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Delegation of Fathers and Mothers of Bahrain denounces the following: "Since we knew they were going to cut, from the beginning of May, we started to mobilize to turn the situation around. The decision seems unfair to us. Last year the demand was very high (23 high school students and 30 new students coming from outside the school), but the decision to cut a classroom was made after the enrollment date.”

After meeting with the Education Groups and the City of Barañain, the complaint was addressed to the Ombudsman of Navarra. However, the Education Advisor, Carlos Gimeno, supported the cutting of classrooms and, as they have denounced, gave "wrong data" about the number of students. The 26 students affected have been transferred to the "schools" in the area, according to the Basque police. The parents have shown their anger at Gimeno's attitude: “The problem is not that money has been wasted or that an institute is given too much importance, as the Department of Education said, but that there are no cuts in education. That is what has happened.”

Concentration on Tuesday at PSN headquarters

The Euskera Defense Network will denounce the obstacles that the Government of Navarre places on model D in general. It is clear that the Government is “ready to do everything” to “attack the Basque Country.” For this reason, they convened a concentration on 2 July, at 12:00 p.m., in front of the headquarters of the PSN of Pamplona, under the motto “Oibarren euskaraz, model D throughout Navarra”.

You are interested in the channel: Euskara Nafarroan
The PSN War

The Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils was born with the objective of "protecting and promoting their shared interests and local autonomy". A Communication Officer will soon be selected who will have to master Spanish and Basque.

For the PSN-PSOE rejects it... [+]

The IES Alaitz de Barañain will have the second line of model D of Bachillerato the next course
Education has corrected and approved the expectation that the institute will continue to have two teams in the first Bachelor of Science, Humanities and Social Sciences.

2024-05-31 |
Euskaraz Administrative Group
"We have come to denounce the Council of Navarra's Basque and Phobic action"
The Administrazioa Euskaraz group has denounced, through an action, the Basque and Phobic action of the Council of Navarra. The Government of Navarra, after five years of drafting the Basque Decree, has submitted the draft to the Council of Navarra.

Euskaltzaindia and the IKF Foundation pay tribute to the Basque children of Mañeruibar
Yesterday at noon, in an event held in the town square of Mañeru, a diploma was given to 45 Basque speaking boys and girls from the Vega between eight and twelve years old. In addition, Oskar Alegría premiered a short film with cured creatures., search for extracurricular activities in Basque from the Region of Pamplona
From 29 Sortzen Guraso Elkartea will launch the search engine. The objective is to bring together in a single digital portal the leisure already offered to promote the normalization of the Basque country.

The Komunikabideak and Euskaltzaindia Foundation will award Basque children from Mañeruibar
The act will recognize the efforts of the families of the peoples of the mixed and non-Basque area in which the Basque Country had disappeared. The event will begin at 11:30 in the City Hall with the video of filmmaker Oskar Alegría.

2024-05-24 |
This Saturday, Euskal Jaia in Tafalla to recognize the work carried out in favor of the Basque in the center of Navarra
The Basque Festival Centro will be held on Saturday in Tafalla with a program for the whole day and for all ages, with the aim of showing the roots of the Basque Country and its culture in the merinity of Olite.

2024-05-20 | ARGIA
26% of Navarros have a level of Basque knowledge
Nastat, Statistics Institute of Navarra, has published the results of the study carried out in 2022. The proportion of vasco-speakers is 15.1%, that of vasco-speaking receptors 11.6% and that of non-vasco-speakers 73.3%. In twenty municipalities the proportion of Euskaldunes... [+]

Euskalgintza de Pamplona returns to apply for children's schools in Euskera
Hundreds of people left this Thursday afternoon for the Paseo de Sarasate and went to the Plaza Municipal de Pamplona to ask the city council to place among its priorities the right to study in Basque in the children's schools of the city. They began with the motto "Haur eskolak... [+]

2024-05-10 | ARGIA
Basque children's schools will claim in Iruñea on 16 May
The call was made by the agents gathered in the Euskalgintza platform of Pamplona. The immersion model in Basque is offered in one of the 16 children's schools in the capital. They ask the City Council of Pamplona and the Government of Navarra to open a children's school with a... [+]

Pamplona shaken by language
More people than ever have gathered in the Third Region of Pamplona. In the mintzodrome. About 180 people have practiced Euskera and have spread the Basque network.

Oskar Zapata (meeting point)
"We need new allies for Euskera to advance"
Euskaltzaleon Topagunea proposes new lines of discourse for an increasing attitude towards the Basque people in Nafarroa Garaia

Administrazio Euskaraz denounces that the municipalities of Pamplona and Ansoáin have rejected the Basque in several job calls
In the municipalities of Pamplona and Ansoáin is EH Bildu. A citizen brings an action before the City of Ansoáin and, by refusing to accept it, appeals to the Administrative Court of Navarra.  

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