Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Seven arrested for the Barakaldo shooting

  • One man has died and two other people have been injured in a shooting recorded this Sunday in the Basque town of Barakaldo. The Ertzaintza has arrested seven people - five men and two women - and the investigation remains open.

30 September 2024 - 09:48

The man, about 60 years old, has been killed at 16:20 hours in the Burtzeña district, when, in the midst of a discussion between two groups, one has pulled out a pistol and a shotgun and started shooting. The wounded, one of them 16 years old, have been taken to Cruces Hospital in Barakaldo. The relatives of the wounded have concentrated at the gates of the hospital and have kept a fight with the Ertzainas.

According to EiTB, the Police has established a large police force at Zubileta Street in the Burtzeña district, and has had to intervene on several occasions during the afternoon and night of Sunday to relax the atmosphere. According to Euskadi Irratia on the same street Zubileta, the Ertzaintza does not allow access to the closed area and informs people who wish to leave the site of the facts that they will not be able to re-enter.



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