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Black Flag to La Concha Bay and Urdaibai Guggenheim project for "mismanagement"

  • Ekologistak Martxan annually distributes "Banderas Negras" to projects and places that damage the environment on the coast, and this year the winners have been the Guggenheim project of Urdaibai, the Bay of La Concha, Petronor and the port of Mutriku.
Kontxako badia izan da aurten "Bandera Beltza" jaso duenetako bat, Santa Klara uhartearekin egiten ari den "kudeaketa txarragatik". Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY-SA

16 June 2023 - 13:52
Last updated: 17:44

Ekologistak Martxan has published the annual report on the Black Flag 2023, which serves as an instrument for measuring coastal pollution and environmental mismanagement. It is an initiative of the entire Spanish state, with a total of 48 black flags, two per coastal province.

In the case of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, the construction project of the Guggenheim of Urdaibai and Concha Bay received the black flag of "mismanagement". In addition, the black flags of "pollution" have been carried by the port of Mutriku and Petronor.

Ecologists in Acción consider that the modification of the Guggenheim project on two occasions “leads us to propose if it would not be the first step for the disguised urbanization of the whole region”. In the case of La Concha, it is recalled that the protected enclave of the island of Santa Clara is the habitat of many seabirds, and its intention to visit the island throughout the year is criticized.

The main reason for granting the Black Flag to Petronor has been that it is the "most polluting black spot" of Euskal Herria, while the port of Mutriku receives this "prize" for the works of expansion of the dam.

The Black Flags of Ekologistak Martxan for the Guggenheim project of Urdaibai and the management of the bay of La Concha


Ekologistak Martxan has awarded the Black Flag prize to the project of the Guggenheim Museum in Urdaibai and to the management of the Bay of Concha. In addition, Mutriku and Petronor have received the Black Pollution Flag in their annual report.

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(c) 2023 Europe Press. Hau ez du aurre-eta egi eman behar.


The Black Flags of Ekologistak Martxan for the Guggenheim project of Urdaibai and the management of the bay of La Concha


Ekologistak Martxan has awarded the Black Flag prize to the project of the Guggenheim Museum in Urdaibai and to the management of the Bay of Concha. In addition, Mutriku and Petronor have received the Black Pollution Flag in their annual report.

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(c) 2023 Europe Press. Hau ez du aurre-eta egi eman behar.


The Black Flags of Ekologistak Martxan for the Guggenheim project of Urdaibai and the management of the bay of La Concha


Ekologistak Martxan has awarded the Black Flag prize to the project of the Guggenheim Museum in Urdaibai and to the management of the Bay of Concha. In addition, Mutriku and Petronor have received the Black Pollution Flag in their annual report.

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(c) 2023 Europe Press. Hau ez du aurre-eta egi eman behar.


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