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Banco Santander will have to pay EUR 9,000 to three mondragonese

  • The Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa has condemned the bank to this penalty "for violation of the right to honour and for causing moral harm". In fact, according to the judgment, the bank had in its list of debtors "who were not owed anything", he added.

28 July 2021 - 10:39
Last updated: 12:40

The judgment considers that the plaintiffs were on the list of defaults of the Banco de España "unfairly", since they owed nothing to the affected entity. "In 2010, an agreement was reached with the Pastor Bank that the debt would be settled and pending resolution. The same agreement determines that the entity refused to open the complaint path. However, the Banco Santander is demanding 221.568.94 euros from the plaintiffs."

The entity’s lawyer, Rubén Cueto, has explained that they are repeatedly touched by the malpractice of financial institutions. "Time and time again they ask for a false debt, as in this case, with obvious violation of the right to honour and cause moral harm," he added.

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Presoen esku-lan merkea, enpresa handien negozioa

Birgizarteratze programen atzean ezkutatuta, enpresa asko aberasten ari dira Espainiako Estatuko espetxeetako presoen esku-lan merkeari esker. Soldata ezdeusak kobratuta eta lan-eskubiderik gabe, 12.000 preso inguruk egiten dute lan Santander bankua bezalako enpresa handientzat.

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