The Minister of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government, Bingen Zupiria, announced on October 14 several names of the winners of the Euskadi Awards 2021, but not all of them. On Wednesday, 20 October, he announced the names of the winners who were about to announce themselves.
A week ago, it became known what works are devoted to narrative, children's and youth literature and translation. In the first category the prize has been for the novel Argiantza, by Pello Lizarralde; in the literature of children and youth the hill of Aliso, by Anjel Lertxundi, has been highlighted; and in the translation, Nik kantatu eta dantza, by Joxan Elosegi.
The names of the winners of the missing categories have recently been announced. In the Basque essay modality, the prize has been for Alex Gurrutxaga Muxika, written about Xabier Lete and directed by Xabier Lete. The poet of the Fatherland for his work. Among the essays in Spanish, the jury has selected The Cracks of America by Mikel Reparaz, and in Literature in Spanish and Illustration of Literary Works, respectively, The Last Romantics of Txani Rodríguez and Transparencies by Javier de Isusi. The Colombian works Stories of Exile have been the winners.
The jury of the event was composed of Amaia Baciggin, Katixa Agirre, Juan Ramón Makuso, Patxi Juaristi and Aitor Zuberogoitia, among others.
Euskadi Literatur Sarien aurtengo edizioko azken irabazleak zein diren jakinarazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak, haur eta gazte literatura eta itzulpenaren arlokoak.