According to the note issued by ELA, the company owes the 179 workers a three-month salary to deal with the eventuality. In addition, the company has been pre-competitive for four months and the Works Council has denounced that "instead of seeking management solutions, the company has been decapitalized and, at the same time, believes that it is acting in bad faith for not submitting a voluntary creditor competition".
The committee explained that the company has used the extension decreed by the government as an "excuse" and that the whole process is lengthening, so in recent months "workers, subcontractors and suppliers who have not paid their wages are suffering the agony". He added that due to the "legal vacuum of the employment regulation dossier", workers are "in a situation of helplessness" and live an uncertainty that prevents them from knowing their future.
The committee has immediately asked the management of Balzola for solutions to the payments of outstanding wages. The management has been held responsible for the mismanagement that has pushed the company into bankruptcy.
Espainiako Estatuko Merkatuen eta Lehiaren Batzorde Nazionalak egindako txostenean, enpresa eraikitzaile nagusiek iruzur egindako obren adibide ugari azaltzen da, tartean dira Euskal Herrian azken urteetan administrazio publikoek esleitutako azpiegitura esanguratsu batzuk.
Acciona, Dragados, FCC, Ferrovial, OHL eta Sacyr zigortu ditu Espainiako Merkatuen eta Lehiaren Batzorde Nazionalak, 25 urtetan zehar milaka lizitazio publiko eraldatzeagatik obra zibiletako eraikin eta azpiegituretara bideratuak.
62 urte zituen hildako langileak. Aldamioan lanean ari zela makina astuna erori zitzaion gainera. Gertakariaren aurrean, elkarretaratzea deitu dute asteazken arratsaldean Barakaldon, prekarietatea eta lan baldintza txarrak salatzeko.
Olarizu auzoko lan heriotza salatzeko elkarretaratzea egingo dute urtarrilaren 13an ELA, LAB, ESK, STEILAS, EHNE eta HIRU sindikatuek. Prebentzio neurri eraginkorrak hartzeko eskatu diete enpresei eta administrazio publikoari.