We miss autonomy. We have been left to the mercy of others... besides the first. In life, we have begun to take a few steps towards subtlety, apparently. But let's leave the sermons on growth, it was late. We now have to survive and survive in its entirety. Resistance and resilience.
The seeds, the plants -- we're in the middle of mobilizing them. You've read so many things about urban orchards, orchards on the roof of houses, transparent buildings or edible gardens. This is the opportunity to put it into practice, in the window, on the balcony, perhaps on the terrace, in the patios. Then, when we relax the isolation a little – and they will have to calm us down, when they manage to control the chaos, we will again want enthusiastic, but poorer, producers and consumers – we will be able to talk about collective orchards, about the possibility of producing food in the lawns of the gardens that we have in our towns and cities.
But that will come later. During the lockdown, each one will have to adapt to its content. Some can still purchase plants. But it is surely easier to get seeds, in many shops, in the warehouses where besides food products are sold for the baserritars... Ask your friend, the farmer you know, the seller will know how to reach the buyer, the one who has the most will learn how to give, as you do not have to ask. Do not miss the opportunity to eat what has not been planted or planted now, within three or four months.
Experience. Admit some failures. Learn. Enjoy it. Run away from lockdown. It takes the first step towards becoming more autonomous and independent in food too.
If you've done that in the big cities of Syria between bombs, guns and gunfire -- we're no less. Dear friends: Achi!