The event took place this Friday in the locality of Valencia in Moncofa (Catalan Countries), as reported by the Valencian Police. The humorists María Zamora, Saray Cerro and Diego Barea celebrated the event “Riures en valencià”, a show organized within the festivities of Sant Roc with the objective of promoting the use of Catalan in the comedy. According to À Punt the television and collects, shortly after the exhibition began, one of the tourists, presumably from Madrid, has risen from the table and started making gestures in the air. When Zamora asked him what was going on, man replied that he did not understand anything and wanted to force artists to do so in Spanish: “In Spanish. We are in Spain.”
Zamora explained that this was an event organized by the City of Moncofa (pp), which the humorists were dedicated to Valencian and has been announced in the promotion. Cerro, Varea and Zamora have remained in that language and have not been accepted, so man and other tourists have left the function. The rest of the public — about 300 — has stood still and the exhibition has continued normally.
The association Plataforma per la Llengua al País Valencià has denounced through a communiqué and through social networks what happened. This type of act shows "the intolerance of those who think that the only language that is worth is Spanish", and adds that speaking in Catalan is "their freedom and their opportunity". The platform’s delegate, Manuel Carceller, said in an interview with Villaweb that what happened is a case of “supremacism”: “We are talking about an official language of the territory, so its use is normal. What has happened is another anecdote that demonstrates the lack of recognition of Spanish plurilingualism.”
In Carceller’s words, these types of events are not new, “but they are news because people explain what happens.” According to the delegate, more and more citizens are denouncing violations of language rights and the platform directly monitors cases and offers more assistance to victims. María Juan, creator of “Riures en Valenciá”, agreed that the attitude with Valencian is better and better on the part of the citizens: “A few years ago this [an attack like Friday] occurred to very few of us. Last night [August 20] it happened to a comic man and two women, who also speak Spanish, who have chosen to work in Valencian. We’re on the right track.”
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