Measures against COVID-19 could mean a winter without masks, but, if not, they would be two masks: Barkoxe and Atharratze - Aloz. The same has not been seen for a long time; each people, for their part, announced their desire to do so this year, and, as no one complained about the other, is preparing themselves in the two villages, conditioned by health measures.
Barkoxe and Atharratze-Aloz say that is what they think can be done this winter, but if it is done, they have agreed how to do it. Johañe Iriart, from Aloztarra, thought that “it would not be simple” to have two masks, but the young people of both peoples gathered together twice and “has been a healthy relationship,” according to Barkoxarra Ximun Pinque. Among others, Larraine, Ezpeize or Idauze-Mendi. The members of the Atharratze mask have not yet asked whether in the villages they are willing to receive the group, because they find it too early with the situation that COVID-19 has brought them. But they will do so on a regular basis, with different calendars and visiting different villages.
The monsters too, I have
The preparation of the months is necessary to begin a tour of the people, especially for the dantzaris. But in these times when the positive coronavirus cases are tremendously tremendous, they're also conditioned by repetition or monstrosity. “We never managed to organize the mustraks; with the suspicions of COVID-19 we never detected everything: so far we have only made two monsters,” said Iriarte. In Barkoxe they have been able to follow up on Saturdays at night, but this week in the town there have been positive cases that will make the situation “look”, in the words of Pinque.
Iriarte does not even believe that they can make a face mask this winter, seeing the difficulties they already have with the mustraks: “I think we don’t have to believe we can organize something.” However, if the situation improves, it is clear that they will do everything they want to be prepared; but, if the mask is made, it will have to be done completely, according to Iriarte: “Either you have to do it completely, or you have to leave it for later. I don’t know if you’re going to be able to do it or if you’re going to have to spoil the winter later.” There is no doubt that the Altzürükü people, who left town in town last winter, have announced their confinement on few occasions.
As when they did the pastoral care, they have a private roof in the village of Cizoz to bring together the young people of Atharratze and the surrounding area. The Barkoxe, for their part, have conditioned the covered pediment for the mustraca and an old embroidery that “after the scab of making the party, it is forbidden to go to the village room”.
It was in 2008 that the young people of Atharratze and Aloz came together to “collect the balance”, in the words of Iriarte. Because they have done no more than two monsters, they have not yet advanced in the distribution of roles or roles. However, in all the two towns some 35 young people meet in a “beautiful” balance. In Barkoxe, on the contrary, they have already occupied their positions, as they are expected to start earlier in the town where they donated the last mask in 2009.
In 2017, the Barkoxe made bridges between dance and rugby in the Dantzak’Haka performance, integrating in the show the rugby “who do not know how to sing or dance” and “has left a good herex”, according to Pinque. Although the relationship between the sports and cultural associations was “pull” in its day, the masks have been organized in the same spirit and would begin in mid-December, a period in which several weeks of rest are held for the innocent. The youth of Atharratze-Aloz, for its part, would start in January.
Basabürüako ibar eskuineko gazteek lehen maskarada arrakastatsua eman dute igandean, Lakarrin.
Xiberoa eta Baxe Nafarroa artetik jalgiko da aurten maskarada. Ehun urteko etenaldiaren ondotik, xiberotar usaia berreskuratuko dute aurten Pagolako gazteek.
Hasi dira maskaradak Zuberoan, urteroko tradizioari jarraiki. Alabaina, tradizioak aldatu daitezkeela erakutsi dute aurten Maulen: lehen aldiz, ez da buhamerik izango. Pertsonaia horiek ijitoak ziren, eta estereotipoetatik eta arrazakeriaz antzezten zirela salatu izan dute... [+]
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Zamaltzain, entseinari zein laborari aritua da Joimo Arantzet (Atharrazte, 1974) hainbat maskaradetan. Etxetik jaso du dantza, Zuberoan ohikoa izan den moduan, eta seme-alabei ere transmititu die dantzarekiko maitasuna eta gaitasuna. Etxekoei ez ezik baita inguruko hainbat... [+]
2021eko Maskaradak bukatu orduko hasiko dira 2022koak. Izan ere, pandemia dela-eta Barkoxeko gazteek inauteriak neguan ospatu beharrean udan hasi zituzten iaz, eta urtarrilaren 8an Barkoxen emango diote amaiera. Astebete beranduago, urtarrilaren 16an, abiatuko dira... [+]
2020an eman behar zuen Barkoxek maskarada Atarratzerekin batera.
COVID pandemia dela eta beste kultur ekitaldi guziak bezala, kanbiamenak izango dira Xiberoan ere. Aurten Altzürüküko maskaradak zale ekuarazi baditu ere, ondoko urtean ondorioak ekarriko ditu.