Ahmed has shared the prize by saying that they feel “proud as a nation.” The Nobel Prize Commission has appreciated the promotion of the signing of a "peace and reconciliation" treaty in the conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Since taking office as Prime Minister in 2018, changes have taken place in Ethiopia: the government unlocked many media outlets, authorized the return of dissidents to the country and acquitted thousands of prisoners. Ahmed contributed to raising the Ethiopian presidency to the Sahle-Work Zewde, the only female head of state in Africa to date. The Government of the country annulled the emergency situation declared by the former Government, which had declared itself outside the country.
Popular Greta Thunberg, a young Norwegian climate change activist who this year has been regarded as the favorite to win the Nobel Climate Prize. Ahmed has replaced Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad.
ICAN Arma Nuklearrak Debekatzeko Nazioarteko Kanpaina koalizioak igandean jaso du Oslon Bakearen Nobel saria, urteotan egindako lan eta lorpenengatik. Sariak ohartarazpen sendo bat zabaltzen du, mundua sekula baino gerra giro beroagoa bizitzen ari den garaiotan.
Arma hauen “eragin katastrofikoa” azpimarratu dute Bakearen Nobel saria ICAN elkarteari emango diotela jakinarazi dutenean. Horrez gain elkarte honek arma hauek debekatzeko egindako lan eskerga ere eskertu dute.