The appointment was at 16:30 in front of the house of the town of Baiona, to make an "excessive and long occupation" of the public space. On 18 September it will be time to denounce the ordinance taken by the Mayor of Baiona, Jean-Rene Etxegarai. As a result of this political decision, tenants are prohibited from staying in public space between 08:00 and 23:00 hours in different neighborhoods of the city.
The house of the locality of Baiona has taken several hardship measures against the 'homeless'. In particular, the mayor of Baiona, Jean-Rene Etxegarai, has warned that they will not be able to "stay at rest or lie down" from 08:00 until 23:00 in Baiona Ttipia, Baiona Handia and the neighbourhoods of Santa Mariana. In addition, the mayor has left out of the law the association of more than one dog – the offender the town hall of Baiona can take away the animal. The accumulation of clothing and food to the homeless is also prohibited.
The City Hall will also hire more policemen.
The ordinance has caused great indignation among the homeless, as well as among citizens and social partners.
A group of citizens has set up an action to denounce the situation of Ordonanza in the area this Thursday. The appointment is at 16:30 hours on September 24, in front of the house of the town of Baiona, to make an "excessive and long occupation" of the public space. - Instead of fighting the poor, let us fight poverty! Under the motto "the occupation of the streets will be excessive" until midnight. It is clear to the citizen group: "It is a political option that puts a population that has already been precarious in its sights, stigmatizing it. It aims at the sequential frenzy and the control of public space." This heritage is also part of the gentrification process experienced by the working capital.
A number of agents have joined the meeting: Aitzine, with Etorkin, and others.
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