The police have identified between 2,900 and 3,200 aggressors, although they have made it clear that, in principle, they are more numerous. The victims of the ecclesiastics are 216,000 and the number increases to 330,000, if one takes into account the lay aggressors who carry out activities in educational centers related to the Catholic Church, catechism or any other kind. This is the black reality of the report by the independent commission on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church of CIASE, in the period from 1950 to 2020.
The victims also include those from the diocese of Baiona, who were sexually abused by at least 25 minors, thirteen priests and clergy of different nationalities. At a press conference held on 6 October in Baiona, Bishop Marc Aillet acknowledged that "probably" they have not "taken sufficient account of the voice of the victims".
The Independent Commission has called on the Catholic Church to shoulder its responsibility and to provide economic reparation to the victims. The committee has published a 548 page report on its website.
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