Oihana Teyseyre Koskarat explained the situation in the news. The French Minister of Education, Jean Michel Blanquer, last year decided to reform the teaching of the bass. The intention of the reform is to reduce the pressure of students, with emphasis on continuous evaluation, and carrying out studies in the last two years.
However, some students and teachers say that it has achieved the opposite effect: that the pressure they suffered for the first month will bear it two years ago. In this new low system, the first test is called E3C and this week the exams of the subjects of History, Geography and Language of the area have been performed.
The student unions have denounced that what until now was a state-wide test, from now on, will be intracellular, so that "parity between students is not respected".
Protesters have made various mobilizations to show their "non-compliance" with the project. Teysey does the following in Berria: At Donibane Garazi's Nafarroa Lyceum a group of teachers was at the entrance to the school during the test period. In the Cassin de Baiona, Cantau de Angelu and Malraux schools in Biarritz, teachers and students have made exams difficult E3C. And one-third of the Cassin Lyceum students did not perform the E3C tests and managed to partially block the center. For their part, the forty professors in charge of monitoring the test performed a strike in the Basque Autonomous Community.
Jean Michel Blanquer Frantziako Hezkuntza ministroak jakinarazi du baxoan eta lizeoan aldaketa nabarmenak egingo dituztela. 2021era arte jarri du epea aldaketak indarrean jartzeko.
Ipar Euskal Herriko ikasleek hasi dituzte baxoko azterketak. Oraindik, ordea, ez dute guztia euskaraz egiteko aukerarik, eta "Aitzina pausoa, euskaraz baxoa!" lelopean elkarretaratzea egin dute Angeluko Sainte-Anne lizeoaren aurrean lehen azterketa egunean, ekainaren... [+]