Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A 58-year-old man killed at the Baiona festivities

  • The beating took place on the night of 11 July in the Plaza de los Vascos and the victim was admitted in the evening to the Hospital de la Costa Vasca, according to the Baiona Attorney Jerome Bourrier. The detainee is in pre-trial detention at the request of the Baiona prosecutor ' s office and is charged with an attempted murder offence. For the second consecutive year, a person has been stabbed at the Baiona (Lapurdi) festivities and has died.
Baionako Euskaldunen plaza, bi pertsonen arteko liskarraren gunea. Argazkia: Flickr
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The 58-year-old man who was hospitalized at the Hospital de la Costa Vasca after receiving a beating at the Baiona festivities on the night of July 11 has died. Baiona's attorney, Jerome Bourrie, has reported through a communiqué disseminated through social networks. The detained man is in pre-trial detention at the request of the Baiona prosecutor ' s office, and is charged with an attempted murder crime. “Judicial information advances to establish the sequence and characteristics of the facts,” said Bourrier, who has qualified as “criminal act.”

The deceased received the beating at a bus stop at the Plaza de los Vascos, and the versions of the fight between two men are different. Apparently, the 58-year-old man was drunk, with 1.87 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, and the aggressor was 39 years old, as read in Le Monde. The aggressor said a few words of a racist nature, according to the detainee, but his sentimental partner questioned what the defendant said. The prosecutor has stated that the aggressor gave him "two hard blows" in the face of the shout of "I am the Boxing Champion".

The defendant has a "violent and relevant profile", according to the Public Prosecutor's Office, and a "profile with numerous judicial records". He left prison last April and has been sentenced on sixteen occasions by the Court of Corrections, twelve of them for aggravated violence, according to Le Monde. The record of the detainee includes a firm conviction of five years for gender-based violence, which has caused permanent disability, and three years in prison for intra-family violence.

Last year and this year, similar cases

Last year, Patrice Laniès, 46, died "after a violent struggle", after reproaching young people between 21 and 27 who were urinating at the door of his home. The young people were accused of having participated in the fight and, in some cases, of not having collaborated in it, according to the sources. Laniès' brother said that he "remade his life from Baiona", as the principal suspect investigated for the murder has recently been placed under judicial control in an interview in the TF1 chain.

Another year there has been a new case of beating at the Baiona festivities, collected by a 25-year-old boy. According to reports, when they were in the Plaza de San Andrés he saw a group of men who were beating a man who was not moving on the ground, according to Berria. The man, for his part, tried to stop him and with the help of the videos he understood that he was stabbed and that he was "unconscious". The woman has reported that this group of assailants was threatening people staying overnight in a hostel.

The socialist organization Itaia of Ipar Euskal Herria has reported that during this year’s festivities 11 cases of gender violence, physical aggression and verbal aggression have been reported, according to ARGIA. Moreover, on Wednesday, July 17, the feminist movement of Ipar Euskal Herria has denounced the attitude of the House of the People of Baiona to the sexist aggressions that took place during the Baiona festivities, according to ARGIA. Some thirty people have tried to enter the assembly of the local council, to be held in Hernani.

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