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Parties of Baiona, claims and alternatives

  • At this year’s Bayonne Festival, also in Basque and Basque, we can enjoy an atmosphere of popular and egalitarian solidarity.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

27 July 2022 - 08:20

Don’t forget the quote that the platform “Se loger au pays – Herrian bizi” fixed on Sunday 31 July at 13:00 in Paul-Bert Square for the giant and vindictive photo that will be made to spread the call to the manifesto on 1 April 2023.

Photo to call the demonstration for April 1 of the following year.

Reference is already being made to the Besten programme, which is the centre of Basque culture during these years, four afternoons and at night, the Karrikaldi programme passing through Jacques Porte Square.

The program has been prepared in the same yearning and lump of the raped break of these two years, starting with dance on the same path as usual, and the dance groups Leinua and Orai Bat will offer the event from Thursday to Sunday, at four in the afternoon, while last Friday the frosted Iparralde paloteer championship. Starting at 5 pm by the singers, on Thursday, with the penetrating Kriolinak of Leku, on Friday with the young singer of Angelu Marilou Lapeyrade, on Saturday with the young Navarros and on Sunday with the polyphonic group of men Botakantu from the Baiona area. The Txarangas of Dantzazpi, Leinua and Orai Bat will ensure it at 7 p.m. and in Baiona at 8 p.m. of Kantuz, Tuntuna and Ibaialde.

For the carricadanza four groups will gather from 9 p.m.: on Thursday the Otxo duo in the ping-pong mold, on Friday the Amikuze txaranga, on Saturday the well-known Kiki Bordatxo group and on Sunday the Rita Mutxi group to end in Karrikaldi. Without forgetting that the Ikastolas of Baiona and its surroundings will excite drinks, stems and food in that clear place, on the famous floor of the Old Castle. Program details are found on sites and www.facebook/baionan-kantuz. Even parties!

Antisexist protocol

Also in the Baiona festivities the PAF faced the sexist aggression and the fight against the sexes that occur throughout the year. (Pour une Alternative Féministe!) During the month of July, the Association organized meetings for people working in bars and clubs in Baiona. The aim of these formations has been to avoid sexist attacks, to help the victims and to enable the servers of the accommodation to react better to each situation of aggression.

List of accommodation and penalties with anti-sexist protocol:

Archiball, Arduari, Astyanax, Alternative baskets of Baiona - Patxa, Bar du marché, Betisoak, Biltxoko, Cercle taurin bayonnais, Dame Jeanne, Gargantuak, Gela tobiki, Haiz’Egoa, Sebaché,

And like every year, the FPAs! put banderoles with anti-sexist messages on some balconies in Baiona.

In Basque, where?
The peak of the peasants in the Fiestas.
Patxoki concerts.
Biltxoko Programme

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