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Filipe Bidart tribute to his father Jamattit in the parish of Baigorri

  • ==Death==Jean Batiste Bidart Kuxkurrio died in Baigorri on 8 June 2020, aged 93. On 11 June, in the parish of Baigorri, the event ended with a verbal tribute to his father, Jamattit, dedicated by Filipe Bidart.

15 June 2020 - 12:25
Jamattit Bidart.

At 15:30 hours the body of Jean Batiste Bidart has arrived at the gates of the parish of San Juan de Luz. It's a rainy day in Baja Navarra. The parish church of Baigorri is surrounded by people.

Filipe, Betti, his son Jojo, has come to the head of the dinner party. A crowd was watching them. Bidart dismissed Filipe Oihanburu, who is about to turn a century away. And also a lot of friends, before and after the funeral: Friends of Jamattit and comrades of Filiper.

We have seen politicians and many social actors: Jakes Abeberri, Mixel Berhokoirigoin, Mertxe colina, Juliette Bergouignan, Tiny-Mari Grenie, Grazi Etxebehere, Mixel Aire, Erramun Martikorena, Joxemari Esparza…

Six priests have given the liturgy for an hour. After and during the liturgy, several people have spoken, Jamattit oroit. Two hours of presence. We've heard the Bertsos, the songs and the Gaiters, and we've heard and seen the dancer's greeting.

In conclusion, we have heard the tribute to Filipe Bidart by his father and we have appreciated it very much. The church has been occupied by strong and unused hands.

On 11 June, in the parish of Baigorri, he is followed by the verbal tribute that Filipe Bidart devoted to his father Jamattit. You can listen to the story on Irulegi radio.

Dad ...

Well, I see her look... healthy your look... I wonder what I have to say about here in front of all people... You're fine... I don't know anything about secrets between us... of relationships between father and son, or relationships between grandfather and daughter or son... These are for us and among us, we will keep them inside us and between us... and it is not appropriate to appear... report... Well, you were a quiet man, you don't have to teach families outside the house... You can talk about everything else... well, but without spreading too much... useless words... let's say what needs to be said and in it be... In the background I preferred to sing before I did it with words or words ...

I was born singing and...

Everybody appreciated your good mood and your joy -- whenever you want, ready to start a song -- and you knew a lot of songs, old songs like new, sometimes heard until night -- and the cup is about to finish... I would run as you would start singing (because you would always start singing), but I would go up, with your voice of tenor... and I couldn't keep up so high..., I had to go on the shelf... Berreaban also, sang with Marcelina Goonetxe, the feet folded more... In the living rooms, in the meals of Fiestas or in those of Kereza... Guided by Pierre Erramuzpe in the Ibaigorri choir, the patient has suffered for me... When you mention the Coral, who doesn't know now (going through the radio several times) the album that you got in the 1960s and above all Yesterday you released the two irrintzis in the song, the two equally long, finite, that surprised your singing friends and the director... (We deplore the fact that in childhood we screamed for us as we drove through the whole family... to the point of tutoring the needs... How can't you? In these internal principles...).


You just enjoyed your friends... just and needy around you, known or unknown... He participated actively in the fire brigade of Baigorri, making good use of the wisdom of his carpenter's office in the interventions, especially going beyond the stairs... He participated enthusiastically in the brancardiers, in the evening of Lurd to help the sick and the neighbors of the town and the surrounding villages... there was also a great atmosphere for most singers there.

"Singing... always singing...

If you liked the song, you preferred the past dance... The part you have taken in the creation of the first group of dances of Baigorri, in the Second War... and also in the resurrection of the Arrola group... In the screams I've held, there are so many -- especially in the 1970s with the gigantic Kabalkada that was set up in Baigorri -- as before, with the participation of all the houses in all the neighborhoods of Baigorri ... You were driving that order..., the mothers with the women of the neighborhood weaving all the dancers' dresses... and I wore my clothes to the houses... So I have made the knowledge of the neighborhoods and houses of Baigorri, you have proved it... since I knew all the houses... working as a carpenter or otherwise... even being a carpenter in the houses as a wedding floor... In all the houses I had the good welcome, as son of Kuzkurrio...


As you were a carpenter, as was your custom, an expert carpenter in all wood work, not only assembles roofs and windows, but also builds furniture and mubles, and also makes boxes and brings the dead to the houses to put them in the ark, helping the whole family to pray... But also wood was able to produce any kind of product, be it barrels or dups, because for those who went to the army the bags ... I was running as you made a beautiful suitcase of wood in a neighbor heading to Algeria... I can still see from the Izpegi Creek heading to my house... I was laughing that, by the force of two laps, one made a wooden toy ... You liked the size above the wood, you liked the wood, you liked the wood, you liked the wood, you liked the wood, you liked the trees... because you started your trade kicking the tree...

And as their trade affected any frame of a house, any brikol that accompanied people in a place... Those who needed something knew where to go... they always had a blow in their hand or a way out for their business...

Always singing...

So you knew all the houses of Baigorri and also the families of each house and the links between the families... You had a great memory, as of all the singing cocks, to roar over the inhabitants of each house... and not only those of the people of Baigorri, but also those of the neighboring villages... Azkarate to Urepel... It has to be said that he was related to the parents throughout the valley of Baigorri, through the descendants of those who once came from Baztan... I knew all the ties and names of all the houses that were with us... A real file...

But by limiting your knowledge and affection in our Valley, you also knew those in the Ibarra neighborhood... Like Garazi or Ortzaize, the Baztans also... and beyond that, throughout Euskal Herria already knew through dance or song... But not only... because you were linked to the Basque culture... When you organized force games in Baigorri, whether you're aizkolari or a stone lifter, you were learning and helping... I think with the help of you he gave them the rising stones of the south, which are still rumored, and the way in which his pebbles would slide between his fingers, from the road to the plaza, without getting tired for a moment... or at least without showing the least fatigue...

But not only the force games, you also liked bertsolarism... Untsa knew Xalbador and his long-time friend Mattin, sometimes by car... As Xalbador, passionate Basque believer... Like Xalbador, he made you these great verses:

“The people are the body, the heart of
the language.” ‘The language and the people
will not live without the other’...

Because you were rooted in the Basque Country, in the Basque world, in the Basque world, proud of your Basque identity... and you have been able to grow that attachment within your children... It is no wonder that we have committed ourselves to working and fighting for Basque identity and identity... But don't have to fight and argue, because you've always been from the crowd, the same way you didn't want anyone, or else, you've always been made to respect... However, we have carried out our commitment to banishing the yearning for the denial and disappearance of Euskal Herria and to resurrect Euskal Herria... you have supported us..., first as a father... and as a Basque is also back...

You've had to endure the grudge and brutality of your enemies... that you'd be on the front line... You've been tied in the streets of Baigorri... They knew what they were doing and who they were coming against... But you have not given up... your children have not denied them... your Basque identity has never been denied... He never repented... Always in front of his enemy he was stiff and proud, violating the respect of his enemy... Laughing in front of one of those great judges in Paris, he summoned my father to challenge me ... At the time in Paris, we were prisoners of three brothers -- that great judge told me.

‘Je crois que je devrais inculper et incarcérer votre père... en fait, c'est lui le plus dangereux…’.

I was inside Nihau... "I understand that ... ».

They had the fear and respect of their father at the same time ... I was hesitating about my fourth brother... They were thinking that this was what did the best... that I had never taken it... and I was always holding the brothers, helping them, above all the lusts... even proud of their father's steps...

When I was seven years old, my father was there, I had been there, holding my family, helping -- no doubt and with all the affection -- it's been lucky for the children, for the families of the children, for the children... Fortunately you were there... When I was incarcerated nineteen years you've held me ... To Clairvaux for 13 years... there in the dog's ass... to that desert where there are no trains or buses...

Because in the visits he would always sing us... and keeping a sip of wine... until you got a good beating... and that's why you've fought... but you've kept singing in the visits that continued to carry a bit of donkey... But you limited yourself to the past, you commit yourself to the support of the prisoners, and especially the support of the families of the prisoners... in which, in addition, with your good mood, with your personality, with your beliefs and convictions... you sing always... singing.. After five years I went on to Biterri... Thanks to me you have turned to France, Dad... You got there in your car, always with the loaded rabbit, and with all your utensils... to assemble a muble or do some jobs in the immigrant hostel... everyone appreciated your help... However, I don't know how you got there in your car... because I think you've never held on to that fifth arrow.. but the car is fast... because it has never failed... At Biterri you've also heard your songs... our songs...

Always singing...

Yes, also in Baigorri, how not? They knew your blue car, which kept shining on the right, on the left, and helping each other -- with your blue salopette -- even if it was in the portrait ... However, it was in a toilet and I had time to occupy your vegetable garden... and how... and also to cook and above all to make cakes... But the most famous is your special biscuit, made up of a rhum or a stick... what you did every week... for the pleasure of nine daughters and sons, and also for the eight children... We've learned the recipe... and we'll continue to make old dad's ball... Aita, your life has not been a quiet long fleuve... but you have had a beautiful and full life... singing.. I pass my sorrows running away... Mother Martxelin's death, when she was still young, has torn your heart... It was his brother Babi's, even younger... The danger of Kati... continues to the end and helps what...

After a long and rich life, he was finally able to postpone... As you loved us, we love you, Dad, Dad... I am sure that Martxelin and Babi have made a warm welcome... and that Marcelin sang with Goonetxe and other singers and friends of Ibaigorri...

I was born singing and singing, I wanted to live, I sang
to get rid of my sorrows. Singing something I've
earned, I've
had to win. Not
validating songs I don't deserve to die?


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