The youth meetings of Baigorri and Baztan will be held in Baztan from 14 to 16 April. The initiative has been organized by two Casas Consistoriales with the objective of strengthening the relationship between the valleys. The networks of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Its goal is to bring together 40 people.
Bixente Hiriarai, Baigorri's technician, told the journalist that they want to encourage young people to travel to neighbouring towns. Thus, the meeting is aimed at those 11 and 15 years of age, as once again from the age of 16 the habit of moving is greater.
The meetings aim to show the history of the relations between the two valleys. As Hiriko explained, the issue of daughter networks will be discussed in April: "Baztanese spies passed messages from one side to the other and people from the Spanish Civil War". In addition, a mountain march will be held and young people will have free time to "know" themselves.
These first meetings will last in Amaiur. If they have good experience, they want to continue the initiative in the autumn, in this case in Baigorri.
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]
Baigorri eta Tafalla herrien arteko senidetzea ospatuko dute asteburuan Baigorrin. 1978an hasi ziren lehen harremanak, baina hautetsien aldaketarekin pixka bat galdu zen ondotik. Haatik, duela hiru urte Tafallakoak berriz Baigorrira hurbildu ziren.
Egun handiaz gain, kultur egitarau zabala antolatu du Basaizea Elkarteak hilabete osorako.
Mendi sindikataren lurretan, Anauzen Munhoako mazelan, hiru hektareetan 300 bat arbol, mota desberdinetakoak ezarriko dira. Ihizi batasunaren biltzar nagusian aho batez bozkatua izan den proiektua da.
At the end of last month, Mixel Oronoz, a priest and euskaltzalea.Berak left freely at points of foot, discreetly, did not want any distinction, as the goodness of discharge was deserved.
Some of us will remember him for his commitment to the Basque country. Oronoz, the son of... [+]