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"Nagore Laffage Park is a way of keeping my daughter and other women who have been killed in collective memory."

  • "A place in your name" is the theme of this year's Asun Casasola Short Story Contest. The daughter of Asun Casasola, Nagore Laffage, was killed during the 2008 Sanfermines by José Diego Yllanes, and now a park in Irún is called Nagore Laffage. "What is not named does not exist and that is why it is so important. Every time someone asks about the girl named after the park, someone will tell you what happened," Casasola explains to ARGIA.
Asun Casasola, Irungo parke bati bere alaba Nagore Laffageren izena jarri zioten egunean. Argazkia:

24 January 2024 - 06:36

Thanks to the park, "Machista murder, my daughter and all the women who have suffered the same thing will remain in the collective memory, because Nagore Laffage is not just Nagore Laffage, but all the others, it should serve to remember all the victims," says Casasola. Somehow, making the fight against male violence visible is putting Nagore's name into a park, her mother adds.

Since his daughter's murder, Asun Casasola has been constantly fighting to keep her memory alive and to spread messages against machismo. From class to class, the documentary Nagore by Helena Taberna remains very active in his arms, telling what happened to young generations and discussing with students about male violence. "I see that history reaches you inside and that there is still much to be done: in some centers, more than in others, as the teachers themselves explain. Making the issue visible and working in schools is very important, it is young people who have to fight for a better future, who are pushing. What I always say to the students is that the key is respect, mutual respect."

"Young people are the ones who have to fight for a better future, the ones who are pushing. I always tell students that the key is respect, mutual respect"

Ninth edition of the Story Contest

A plaza no, but a story contest is named after Asun Casasola. "The struggle carried out by Asun Casasola has become a symbol of the freedom of all women. The enthusiasm and passion for the struggle shown by this mother has been enormous and the competition arose with the intention of recognizing this model," explained the organizers.

The deadline for submitting the story remains open until 7 February. With the theme "A place to your name" you can send a text from a page, divided into categories of youth and adults. The bases and details are available on your website.

"This competition is a gift and I am proud of it," says Casasola. I encourage everyone to write stories, because it is a way of translating into paper reflections against machismo and for equality." In some centers this competition is used to put students to write and discuss the theme.

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