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Several Iparralde nationalists present the "bagira" process

  • The reflection will last until the 2024 Aberri Eguna and has been transmitted to all territories, generations, routes, sectors and levels of involvement from the Bidarrai press conference.
"Bagira" prozesuaren aurkezpena, Bidarrain abenduaren 14an (Argazkia: Franck Dolosor)

15 December 2022 - 11:11
Last updated: 12:23

In order to reflect on the Abertzale movement in the continental Basque Country, ten nationalists operating in different militant areas have made known the "Bagira" process. The Abertzale movement flourished 60 years ago above Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, with the publication of the Manifesto of Itsasu on the occasion of the Aberri Eguna of that year. In recognition of what has been done for six decades and with a later look, the bases are updated, shared objectives and stages are agreed and a few days are started to articulate themselves as movements in the coming weeks.

Besides promoting generational transmission, they aim to disseminate objectives and values to new audiences. In fact, they are clear that the future of the Abertzale movement is conditioned by the "change of generation" and that they have to get that step of the witness.

On December 14, ten militants along with Bidarrai present "Bagira": Pantxika Ibarboure, Jean Noel Etxeberri Txetx, Terexa Lekunberri, Jerónimo Prieto, Ximun Lacroix, Nerea Peponnet, Iñaki Berhokoirigoin, Mattin Etxeberria, Anita Fapepe, Txomin Poy Argitulu. All of them nationalists and of popular and associative origin, who speak for themselves. At the moment, some 60 citizens are looking for "Bagira".

Turning point

They consider that "starting from a simple existence, the Abertzale struggle has advanced quantitatively and qualitatively until reaching an important turning point". Finally, they consider that the end of ETA's armed activity, the institutional structure reached in Iparralde and the electoral development of Basque nationalists are in a "new" situation. However, they say that the sweet is added the salty and that the struggles and alternatives are carried in a "parallel" and "crushed to elge" way. They also aim to turn around.

That is why they say that it is a good time to collectively bring the process of reflection and definition: "We are in a new semi-closed window to build the existing possibilities to a large extent." The process will begin in February, with the historical transmission, making the necessary place for the celebration of the Aberri Eguna in Itsasun on 8 and 9 abril.Posteriormente, a diagnosis will be made, from April to summer, to analyze the situation of the Abertzale movement and the challenges of tomorrow.

Finally, from the beginning of the course next to April 2024, thick questions will be put on the table: "What are we? What is to be abertzale in today's world? What do we want to achieve? What objectives and stages do we share in the medium term? How to move? How do you organize and articulate them to motivate them? ". With the Aberri Eguna of 2024, the process of popular encounters will be completed.

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