We've learned Garomena at home. Pako Aristi has used Garomán, and in dictionaries there are ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns, ferns.
Ice cream is very important: make a bed for cattle and take advantage of a rich manure when mixed with manure
If the garoil comes or September, we will have to start cutting the fern. Enter in September allows to cut the fern: “San Gil Fern Cut.” Garoa is an important agricultural raw material. Especially for cattle recerks, bunk beds. Garoa is an incontrovertible sweet. The cattle will lie at ease and are able to make a good luxury or softness when mixed with their manure. It is also rich in some minerals and will complete the subscriber very well. What a little silly other time with the ice cream! The cimas of the communal mountains were preserved, were given in the pit and could not be cut before September. If it is cut before it, the valuable plant deteriorates. Sustainable agriculture is based on the assembly and integration of its waste cycle into plant production based on proper care and use of livestock. Along this long road, the Garoa is a link of caution, at least on the Atlantic side of the Basque Country. That's where fern has its landscape and its culture. We've cared for the garomens and the fern has cared for ourselves; to give them and to take them.
If our fern is one, it's a common fern, Pteridium aquilinum. We can say it's eagle fern. It looks like an eagle flying around, and its name goes like this. In Greek pteridium comes from the word pteris that says garoa, which in turn comes from the word pteron, which means wing or pen. Aquilinum means the shape of an eagle. Here, then, the real eagle. If you look in front of this peak, the most common of our landscapes, you'll see the widespread face of the eagle.
Why has the brain been called the eagle's wing?
Why has the eagle been called? And not any other bird? Like a fin doesn't talk about the eagle... But our mind does. Lineo, the creator of taxonomy or science to classify living things, gave the name of the common fern eagle. In 1755 he stated that if the root of this fern is cut, the image of an eagle is seen in the section. In the Middle Ages, wise as Erasmus of Rotterdam, they saw in this cut the biceps eagle. Today's ethnobotanists see the hillside in the form of a lump or a puff of fern, and following the above they say it's eagle. Why an eagle? A two-headed eagle? The eagle has been a bird admired in our imaginary, important and fearsome, as a fern in the culture of the earth. Fern is also terrible, poisonous, which does not feed on any cattle. We Basques have not given him that name, if not in the marshes and the banks of our coast, in September of the work of the fern we would call it because the fishing eagle goes to Africa ...
In September come to Urdaibai or similar and sit on the top and enjoy eagle fishing.