Sánchez and Macho are anesthetists at the Hospital Alto Deba and reported irregularities in the review of June last year, in which five patients were admitted. They say they are “traitors” of Osakidetza: “We made known something that everyone knew; we’ve ‘sold’ Osakidetza.” They say that they have paid well and that since then they have not seen them with good eyes: “We were told that the top officials didn’t want to see us, that was the first reaction.” They were also told they had “fichados” at Sabin Etxea.
Draft law on the non-expulsion of whistleblowers
As for the threats, they have met with the party of the left Abertzale Elkarrekin Podemos. The aim is to create a bill to protect the contracts of the workers who have denounced and to prevent redundancies. The EH Bildu coalition is doing the same with those who have denounced cases of corruption, especially the case of De Miguel, and it is possible to present and implement a general and unitary law.
Sindikatua pozik agertu da epaileak ikerketa sei hilabetez luzatzea onartu duelako, baina autoari ebazpena jarriko dio "autoa hobetzeko eta defentsen ekintzak baliogabetzea eragozteko".