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Assaden Baaz party and its allies win elections to the Syrian parliament

  • Of the 255 seats won by Assad’s candidacy for the Presidency of the Government, 177 have been for the candidature.

22 July 2020 - 12:41

In the parliamentary elections in Syria, the National Union led by Bachar Al-Assad has won the majority of seats, since out of the 255 seats 177 belong to a coalition.

The Government has stated that it ensured that the electoral process was "as accessible as possible" to Syrians, both in its controlled territory and in the areas held by the SDF, which is supported by the Western powers, in particular in 70 per cent of the Syrian sovereign territory. This is the first time that elections have been held in the provinces of Raqqa and Al-Hasakah and in the areas controlled by the Government of Idlib since the beginning of the war.

Previously, the armed groups controlling those areas did not allow the Syrian Government to organize elections, as is currently the case in the remaining 30 per cent of the territory of Syria. However, the SDF has rejected the holding of votes in the areas subject to its rules by considering "early" than summoning citizens to the ballot box before reaching an agreement and a dialogue to end the civil war.

The authorities of the country have described the call as "fair", and say that the candidates, their representatives and the media have monitored both the vote and the voting counting process. The opposition that does not recognize the Government, together with its armed groups, completely rejected the elections. As he refused to participate, before the coalition governing the ballot box, opposition options have been sparse at the ballot box.

Since the elections were held during the COVID-19 pandemic, the voters’ temperature was checked before allowing access to the ballot box. Electoral officials, for their part, were forced to use masks and to ensure that the voter lines comply with social distancing.

Under threat

On Tuesday, the Israeli Air Force launched an air offensive in Syria against the positions of the Israeli Army. The Zionist aircraft launched an attack from the sky of the Golan Heights, a plateau occupied by Israel. The missiles of the Syrian defence against the aircraft were seen in the sky of Damascus after the assault by Israel. According to official Syrian media reports, several Israeli missiles were intercepted before they reached their targets.

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