The recent movements have been rather legal, but they show a worrying trend. And they bring to the foreground one of the most critical points of the case: Scarborough Shoal Atoll
The first step, which has been taking place for a long time, has been that of the Philippines, with the adoption and entry into force of the law establishing its maritime space. China has immediately rejected the move and accused Manila of endangering peace in the area. But it's not limited to that. "Border lines have been set in Huangyan Dao in the surroundings," he announced immediately. Within the framework that the Philippines has reaffirmed for itself, of course.
This brings us to a point that is bound to be one of the epicenters of the crisis. In China, Huangyan Dao, Tagaloz Bajo de Masinloc and English Scarborough Shoal is a large atoll located in the South China Sea, 120 nautical miles from Luzon. It is an arc of sand of three angles, barely floating, of about one hundred square kilometers, with a close access to the interior lake. And that's why, historically and today, much appreciated by fishermen to protect themselves against storms.
But that's not their most valuable quality today. Nor do fossil fuels and other fuels that may exist in the marine subsoil of the environment. The atoll, which currently has no possibility of sustainable human life, has an unbeatable strategic location, say, in Manila and in the Great Bay (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guanzhou, etc.). by the route between Chinese ports. And with a broader perspective for the surveillance of the Malacca Strait and maritime movements between Taiwan, Japan, Korea and North China. If they did.
This is a specific case of the Scarborough Shoal, without direct connection to the events of the Paracel and Spratley archipelagos. And he who challenges the Philippines and China, just for his position. De facto, it is under the control of China, but in recent times there have been some violent incidents in the country. Now, Beijing has considered that, in addition to its presence, it is time to make its strength known. Perhaps because ten years ago you want to repeat the “irlagintza” that was made 400 miles from there?
Scarborough Shoal Trump will probably find himself unknown, but someone should warn him, cautiously ...
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