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Infrastructure everywhere, social health party

23 October 2023 - 10:04
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Rainy red mornings, red blondes. Little with the Aramaio train and soon wind turbines will be installed, destroying the mountains. The wind of the river, from Vitoria, leads us along the same path: the river. Infrastructures yes, all we want, but not socio-health care (fundamental rights): this year Aramaio has been without a doctor for five weeks. The situation is similar in many small towns of the Basque Country, where there are often no doctors or nurses. It should be noted that many of them are respiratory areas of the Basque Country, that is, members of UEMA. If medical personnel are not available, they should go to other locations to receive appropriate care, often in Spanish.

The presence of a doctor and nurse in all the towns of Euskal Herria is a fundamental right, so it is not enough with them. Administrative procedures are very varied and are not their task. To help patients, arrange appointments, give instructions, etc. We also need an administrative one. This basic working group, composed of administrative, nursing and medical personnel, is called a microchannel and Osakidetza has opted for this model. Unfortunately, in many villages this is not the case and in Aramaio, for example, there are no administrative staff to the detriment of patients and workers.

Comprehensive and unified socio-health care is needed, for which the collaboration of social workers, nurses, doctors, administrative and pharmacists is essential.

Socio-health care does not end in the health workforce. The sociodemographic change, old age and the situations of dependency that our society experiences are evident. Comprehensive and unified socio-health care is needed, for which the collaboration of social workers, nurses, doctors, administrative and pharmacists is essential. Together and, if possible, in the same place. And that's impossible in Aramaio if you don't make a new health center. It should be taken into account that a health centre of this kind also offers training to resident doctors, that is, it can offer an appropriate option to those wishing to pursue the family medicine specialty. Today it is absolutely necessary in the CAPV and in Navarra.

Aramaio has made a great effort for the benefit of others: The High Speed Train, which will connect the capitals of the CAPV, goes through it, changing the environment from top to bottom. A wind farm will also be set up to translate the Aramaio Mountains. Therefore, it is not a demand for important socio-health care in a health center.

This model is applicable to all the small towns of the Basque Country: joint and joint work of social, administrative, pharmaceutical, nurses and medical workers. It can also be considered strategic for the promotion of small peoples. Because it is difficult for people without service to move forward.

By the way, the workers who work in it are Euskaldunes, which allows the Basque language to be a working language. The theme of language is not Baladí and the implementation of this model can be strategic in the municipalities of UEMA: integral and unified socio-health care in Basque (services in Basque for users) and working language in Basque. The respiratory spaces of the Basque Country, also in the health area. It therefore proposes integrated and unified socio-health care in small towns in the local language. In Aramaio, for example. I hope that our politicians will take this into account.

Aitor Montes Lasarte, physician of Aramaio

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

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