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Last Minute: The Lower Band will not abandon it

Irudia: Behe Banda

23 September 2024 - 09:49
Last updated: 13:20

Chill is abandoned by the Mafia, killed for success. Like an era kills the previous one. If we put the pandemic at the birth of Kristro, Chill Mafia would be the most important event after the Pandemic. They knew how to take P.A.koa and made him explode inside, they left no one without opinion; with that fame came his will. They knew they were going to succeed, but often you have to make an active decision: let go or go successfully. The market, of course. Knowing what, when and where to say is not a simple gift, but it's much harder to learn to forget.

If the Lower Belt left him dead by success, it would look like this:



On November 24, 2027, an email arrives at the digital mailbox:

"Your hosting license has expired, if you want to renew it for another 5 years click here"

A catch for the group:

IRATI Fdo (17:46) What are we going to do with this team? Hiring for another five years.

each hosting on the website we have should pay only 500 euros...

Harri (17:46): Well for me... not a lot of money...

Harri (17:47): But was that hosting actually needed? ? With Twitter we don't have

Is that enough? ?

IRATI Fdo (17:48) Bayiiiiii, the website would capture it differently.

IRATI Fdo (18:53) So what? ? Do we buy it? ?

IRATI l (19:32): I don't care if others respond.

IRATI O (23:04): Excuse me for answering now. I was busy ... Who? ?

MADDI (23:41) I will read it and answer it!



On December 5, 2027, Sunday night, Maddi decides to write to Irati Ori.

Maddi (21:48): Hi Irati! ! How are you? ? I haven't seen you at all for a long time, I waited at last week's rally and I asked you about you, but nobody told me where you were ¼ How's it all going? Have you finally got this research grant? There was a little bit of how you related your art and your political struggle. So you couldn't come, didn't you? ? I will approach Bilbao or San Sebastian if necessary, I need a coffee with you, lately I am quite mixed with everything. I've given a lot of laps to what we said last time, if what we say works for something, if we really have something to say. ! Since we don't see ourselves in Leioa, I see you too little! ! !

Muxuuuuuuuusss <3<3<3<3<3<3

IRATI O (01:33): Oliiiii maddi! ! ! There's an audio going.



22 April 2028, the newspaper ARGIA publishes the following news:

"Bertsolari June Aiestaran Iparragirre was the winner of the literary contest Kutxa Kultur with the novel Banoa eta banator," which was recently premiered in 2009. The prize is 25,000 euros and the publication of the book."

The Whatsapp group faces a conflict:

IRATI l (11:14): Have you seen this? ? Did anybody know? link

MADDI (11:15) The other time I sang with him on a show and said nothing to me. That I knew I would stop writing about Urruzuno. Strong.

Harri (11:16): Tuuuu, we invented it, in the end he's been the first in a book.


IRATI FDO (11:16) Flipaass, and have you read the news? ? He will tour all the Elkar stores of Euskal Herria... oxala mine.

IRATI O (11:16): LOL at the end of the day, our stapled pages didn't work that much.

IRATI O (11:17): And also, novel.

IRATI l (11:17): It was clear that with poetry we were not going to get anywhere, I had already told you...

Maddi (11:17): I don't know if the problem was in poetry, I think that your individual path

The takeover has benefited him ...




The commandments of the Lower Band are those that lead us to the goal, when we reject them, but not before, there will be a risk of drifting. Clear the destination, throw at the precipice. Chill Mafia has set a new scene as a cultural seedbed. We believe that we have also had to appear in this reality that is in all its glory. If this has made sense, because we write from the place where we write.

It is no better than theatre than fiction, and they will soon have another column. New normality

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