With literature as television, Aitor only sleeps three or four hours, but it comes to us in good mood when Euskaltegi; Inma has read one after another Music in the air, Jenisjoplin and Am do not have it; Javier has a little more work reading One Earth beyond, we have writers among us, and let's not forget it.
Rakel returns to Ireland after 11 years in Nicaragua, far from the Euskaltegis that Edorta had spent the longest, until last September he resumed his career, Leire will move next year to Ireland and wants to complete his academic accounts before his exile.
Lore and Ainhoa suspended the talk test last year, this year they will have to do the full test again; it will be the first time for Irache and Mari Carmen; Gorka is the most veteran of all, but it is not against, but positive.
Anyone who has an active attitude towards the language will sometimes look back and see with satisfaction that on the Euskaltegi trip he has received more than the title
Many students will face next week’s HABE exam. For some it will be a goal throughout the year, for others the mere activity of the course. When the time comes for the exam, in any case, everyone will be altered, and the same will happen with the professor they have had next to them throughout the year.
To the last of the recommendations, it only seems to me that it is important to enjoy the road. That’s what the poet Kavafis taught us: “Always be Itaka in the head/ Reaching it is your goal/ Don’t worry, however, better if it’s a long trip/ Because everything you’ve learned along the way you’ll get on top.”
Read, write, speak, live in Basque. I am convinced that whoever has an active attitude towards language will ever reach their destination, whatever Itaka may be. Then he will look back and see with satisfaction that on the Euskaltegi trip he received more than the title.
Pablo Alberdi
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak iritzia@argia.eus helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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On November 15, we will celebrate in Errenteria-Orereta the three days organized by the different agents that make up Euskal Herria Digitala. This is a feminist digital self-defense workshop and a talk about democratic digitalisation.
The members of Movie Tech will offer the... [+]
We have been hearing the views of Iñigo Errejón on the accusations of male violence in all media and social media for a few weeks. In addition, many controversies are emerging: how we should denounce women, how our sexual relations should be, recognition, silences of those who... [+]
There are those who say that elections serve only to give legal status to political decisions. And there are not very many who think that way. Okay, but with that, a lot of things are said, among other things, that real power, power, is out of that game.
But, in my view,... [+]
In recent decades I have worked in the Basque field, both in the Euskaldunization of adults in AEK, and in the defence of linguistic rights in the Observatory, or in favour of the normalization of the Basque country in the Council of Euskalgintza. Everywhere I have heard... [+]
As we know, the Institutional Independence of Hego Euskal Herria has begun a certain roadmap. Signing a new pact with the Spanish State. This path uses some main variables or premises. Thus: The PSOE is a leftist party, the Spanish State is recyclable and it is up to the... [+]
Agorrilaren 27an igorri nizuen gutunean, irailaren 10eko auzian euskaraz deklaratzeko asmoa nuela adierazi nizuen. Auzi honen hastapenean, epaile nagusiari euskaraz zekienez galdegin nion. Gutxiespenarekin ezetz erantzun zidan. Orduan, nere gutuna eskuratu zuenez frantsesez... [+]
Wikipedia.org considers that Gish gallop (Gish's gallop) or the machine gun of fallacies "is a technique of controversy that attacks the opponent with as many arguments as possible, without taking into account the accuracy or solidity of those arguments" and would have as side... [+]
The origin of the term lies at the beginning of the nineteenth century. At that time, the imperialist pretensions of the British Liberals clashed with the Russians, which spread in Asia and hindered the desire for colonization of England. To protect its interests, England used... [+]
I started to mentally write my article while I was in the car. I usually have the best ideas in the car while driving alone. I'm going to Bilbao, to the Arriaga theater. The Artedrama company is today staging the Miñan play. It's Friday, October 25.
Approaching the atrium of the... [+]