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The Citizenship Shopping Basket will have the highest price rises in the last 30 years

  • The CPI (Consumer Price Index) has risen by 5.5% in the Spanish State as a result of the increase in energy, which also predicts a certain rise in Hego Euskal Herria.

28 October 2021 - 12:54
Last updated: 16:09
Herritarrek erasoahalmena galdu dezakete KPIaren gorakada handiaren ondorioz (argazkia:

The rise in electricity or fuel will not only be noted in the electricity bill or in gas stations, but this hyper-rationalised economic model is based on the energy obtained by extraction, and also affects the rest of everyday life, such as the basket of purchase.

Many experts consult with attention and concern the data offered this Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE): In October of this year, commodities are 5.5% more expensive than in the same month of the previous year, according to the CPI, the increase over the last 29 years. This global inflation has risen by two points since August, and although the increase in other non-energy products has not been so high (1.4%), the underlying inflation is also very much to be taken into account, as it was zero in April.

In Hego Euskal Herria it is not yet known what the data will be for October, but in September it was already above 4%. However, the Basque Government's economic advisor, Pedro Azpiazu, has called for "prudence" and has called for "tranquillity". The counsellor told EiTB that there will be no change in the economic forecasts on the current situation.

However, citizens who have difficulty reaching the end of the month may have few reasons for tranquillity, knowing that they will be reduced purchasing power by more than 5%, let alone precarious workers who are outside the regulated labour market. In companies and on the streets, fuel has been spilled for the conflict on the negotiating table, for that loss to be paid by the usual ones with their salaries and pensions and for some to: The governor of the Banco de España, Pablo Hernández de Cos, has already requested that expenditure items should not be increased according to the CPI.

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