The Aixeindar society, formed by Iberdrola and the Basque Energy Agency (EVE), will displace two windmills from the wind plant planned to be carried out in Azaceta, according to the report of the technicians of the Provincial Council of Álava in December 2021, and which will cause serious environmental impacts.
Deputy General of Álava, Ramiro González, announced last Monday the change and has been "convinced" that the project will be "viable".
According to the Montes Libres de Álava platform, this relocation does not "in any case" correct the inconvenience caused by foral technicians or the environmental damage caused to them. He explains that it is "impossible" to conduct a detailed study of the damage to vegetation and fauna, as a minimum period of one year is required in time.
The platform recalls that the "area where the construction of the plant is planned is an important ecological corridor". He has also denounced that there is a strategy of "burnt land" with the project, that is, after doing so "even if it is illegal, the damage is irreparable".
"They are aware of our territory to feed the energy needs and industrial interests of Northern Europe, colonizing and destroying our mountains," he pointed out, and set as an example the existing substation in Gereñu, which in his view lies within the high-voltage European "highway".
They ask Ramiro González "to defend the interests of the territory it represents and not of the energy transnational companies that absorb and destroy our rural environment".
On November 26 Montes de Álava Askek organizes a spectacular activity in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca de Vitoria: They will represent a 200 meter windmill and perform a concentration. Citizens are invited to participate.
Elkarretaratzea egin zuen Aiaraldeko Mendiak Bizirik plataformak atzo Laudioko Lamuza plazan, Mugagabe Trail Lasterketaren testuinguruan.
Environmental activist Mikel Álvarez has produced an exhaustive critical report on the wind macro-power plants that Repsol and Endesa intend to build in the vicinity of Arano and Hernani of the region. In his opinion, this is "the largest infrastructure of this kind that is... [+]