AHT Gelditu! has campaigned for a general feminist strike on 30 November and sent a message from its members through searches of ten euros. They have thrown hundreds of tickets on the ground and those who have caught and opened have found inside a sticker with the message of the campaign: Beware! With the VAT there is no surveillance.
The initiative has been developed in the Pamplona Market and members of the movement have highlighted the need to “prioritize” other social needs over investment in large infrastructures such as social services, the primary sector, education or culture.
They also stress that the TAV “sells and destroys natural heritage”. They add that, ironically, they “do not know” whether that money has been received “why” and claim that it is obtained from European funds with public money after COVID-19: “That is, from areas directly or indirectly related to care”.
Major infrastructure and development such as the High-Speed Train that is being imposed as an essential benchmark for development, well-being and modernity or, more recently, as an element to cope with climate challenges, require a large amount of money for planning and... [+]
Al-TAV-oz eguna antolatu du larunbatean Nafarroako AHTren kontrako mugimenduak Iruñean, datorren larunbatean. Plazara! zentroan egun osoko jardunaldia izango da hitzaldiekin, abiadura handiko trenari buruzko hausnarketa sustatu eta "eztabaidagune bat sortzea"... [+]
2030a aurretik Gasteiz eta Iruñea arteko AHTren tartea eraikitzeko aurreikuspenik ez dagoenez, halakorik ez eraikitzea proposatu du Europar Batzordeak. Berriaren harira, AHT Gelditu! mugimenduak adierazi du abiadura handiko trena gelditzea oraindik posible dela.