The Government shall grant aid of up to EUR 100 per retail for one year, under the following conditions: To reside in Navarre in the last six months and have an income of less than 45,000 euros per family unit, if only one person charges or if the income is more than one person, it must have an income of less than 70,000 euros. The income limit per person with a proven disability of 33% or more in family unit is 10% higher.
Families receiving a minimum income from residence, guaranteed income or “aid of a similar nature” are excluded from this aid.
Applications shall be settled in order until the amount is exhausted. Payments shall be made in full month, the first payment being made on the first day of the month following the date of birth.
Iragana ulertzen saiatzen eta etorkizuna bideratzen, oraina joaten zaigu zenbaiti. Nire proiektuetako bat (hasi baina landu ez dudana oraindik) dudan zuhaitz genealogikoa egitea da. Horretan lagunduko didan liburutxo bat ere erosi nuen. Baina, hain da handia lana, liburutxoa... [+]
They appeared, as usual, through the hut, parked in the center of the passage, in herbs and encharcations so as not to dirty the mills, and went through the road, tracing, to the porch, with a large dish in the hand. As usual, the bûche was ready. In French bûche it can be a... [+]
Many at Christmas feel more lazy than illusion when we think about meals and family gatherings. But we anticipate that it is not food that makes us feel collectively uncomfortable, but the normativity that defines the traditional family. Moreover, we would dare to say that the... [+]
Etxeko langile diren eta zaintza lanetan aritzen diren emakumeentzako etxea abian jarri dute Berriozarren. Zortzi pertsonendako lekua duen pisua gaitu dute zaintzan diharduten langileak 6-12 hilabetez espazio duin eta seguru batean bizi daitezen. SOS Arrazakeria Nafarroak eta... [+]