The labour inspectorate imposed sanctions of between EUR 10,000 and EUR 187,000 on the two companies, following the complaint lodged by the UGT trade union in Spain. Toté Vignau appealed the ruling of the Labour Inspectorate, but the Court rejected it.
The UGT trade union denounced Toté Vignau and Schweppes for the "sexist" situation of the eight hired hostesses and for not taking measures to protect their health, based on the allegations made by one of them. -To show you the short skirt and the meat. We couldn't wear the jacket because it covered the brand. You had to see the suit, it didn't matter if it was cold. One day they used towels to cover their legs. "They scolded us a lot and we came to apologize."
Eta zuk, txikitxo, honetan [kirol zehatz batean] jokatzen duzu?”. Horixe galdetu zion irakasleak nazioarteko emakume jokalari bati, gizonez betetako entrenatzaileen formakuntza-saioan. Esaldiaren paternalismoaz mintza ninteke, edo maila hartako kirolari hori bere esparruan... [+]
Almost thirteen years ago, he published in this same magazine a column entitled "Sympathetic potatoes." And in a way, it may be his continuation that he has begun to write now: Sympathetic children. On this occasion, as stated in the previous title, you talk about the role of your... [+]