Fortunately, the first Cruciferous and the family plants that today are called Brassicaceae are now in full bloom. Some of them are called cabbage people (Brassica spp.). We have worked so hard, we have eaten so much of them, we have eaten so much with them, we have had so much food, we have had so much food… We owe ourselves to our knowledge and our culture. And for health it's no better, and we liked it and we've learned to work.
Sprouting has led to the expansion and expansion of cabbage people for thousands of years and thousands of places. To sow the cabbage, to plant the cabbage, to care for the cabbage and to eat the cabbage, and to leave some specimens such as stallion, which in turn have started or developed, peeled, toned, silenced, cured, sliced, sliced, mouthed, voided, sprouted, flattened, sprouated, rolled, silenced, sliced and reared. This development and flowering is the most important time for both bees and sprouts. This is where pollination and genetic wealth exchange occur. Mix the male with the female; through the bee will play the male and the female; maybe the bee will play the two flowers. And there will be seeds, cabbage seeds, but what mix has that seed introduced? In what rayed flower did the bee walk in the well of the poles? And to which other flower has come to keep turning leaving their pollen? The genetic mixture of these two flowers will come from the new seed. And so every year, years, years, thousands.
And so they have emerged from a lineage of cabbage of lombarda, basaza or wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea), the current variety of people of cabbage. Some reinforce the flower: cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis, broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) and the Romanesque hand (Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis var. botrytis). Others have encouraged the instinct of the leaf, such as chicken cabbage or zuhain cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) or street (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica and var. palmifolia). Brussels cabbage (Brassica oleracea var) expands by increasing the side eyes of the lean cabbage. gemmifera). The proverb (Brassica oleracea var) maintains the sense of the turtle or trunk. Brassica oleracea var. longata). And the head cabbage comes from those who prioritized the eye or the last end outbreak (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba), cabbage lombarda (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra), sharpened cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. acut) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Take special care with Humalog. All of them are azakobas or worms. Ingenious cabbage. And we use insulting cabbage leaves, mazorcas -- supposedly ingenious ones.