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Israeli soldiers shot Aysenur Ezgi Eygi directly at the autopsy

  • The Turkish-American activist was killed on 6 September in the village of Beiti, next to the town of Nablus, in Zisjornadia, Occupied Palestinian Lands. Forensic analysis suggests that Israeli soldiers shot the activist directly.
Palestinar batek Ezgy-ren erretratua erakusten du ekitaldi batean. (Argazkia: Reuters)

13 September 2024 - 12:21
Last updated: 15:12

The first autopsy conducted by the Palestinian Authority indicates that the form of the shot and the damage to the head caused by it suggest that Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was shot directly by Israeli soldiers in the head.

The report, prepared by the team led by Palestinian doctor Rayyan al-Alil, belies the Israeli army's version that "the bullet gave the activist after he bounced on the ground." The President of the United States, Joe Biden, said that everything had to be investigated, but he agreed with Israel’s explanations of the facts along the way.

Three experts who have seen the Autopsiarent report have explained to Middle East Eye that the damage to Ezgi's skull and the degree of destruction that has occurred inside indicate that he was shot.

Turkish Forensic Sermet Koc has been doing autopsies for decades and has coincided with the assessment: the shooting was direct and not the bounce. Moreover, in his opinion, “the large size of the inlet hole caused by the bullet may mean that it was not made with a single gun or shotgun, and that the shot was made by a sniper.”

The murder occurred when Eygi, a member of the International Solidarity Movement, dispersed a meeting of Palestinians in the village of Beita, in which they were arrested. According to eyewitnesses, the soldiers first used tear gas to disperse the meeting, which resumed shortly after several days. And then they threw two shots at the group, “from far away.” When the bullet hit him in the head, Eygi, standing with a woman, had left the group.

Biden, outraged

Although he initially joined Islael's version, after journalists were squeezed, last Wednesday he declared that he was "outraged and very sad," and that the death was "a consequence of continued events." He therefore called for a thorough investigation and condemnation of those responsible for the murder of the young woman.

According to the statements of Professor Tamer Qarmot of the Institute of Postgraduate Studies from Doha (Qatar) to Al Jazeera, Biden’s words are insignificant, “because given the background it is clear that no one is punished.” One example was the case of Al Jazeera journalist and American citizen Hiru Abu Akleher, who, although he was working in Jenin and was clearly identified as a journalist, was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers. This murder occurred in 2022 and was well known, but no one has been convicted of it.

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