The president of the portal appeared in 2018 before the National Police and the National Court to testify for a terrorist crime in Spain. The member of Ahotsa then defended the information exercise of the voice and the defense of freedom of expression.
After a month, the National Hearing considered that the Voice did not pay any tribute to terrorism. He pointed out that the expression "Basque political prisoner" does not undermine the victims and that its use is within the limits of freedom of expression.
Voice: “We will continue to work”
The voice has expressed its satisfaction with the resolution. The independent media assures that the National Police's "obsession" has been re-evidenced to condition its informative action in the case of Spain. On the contrary, it has reiterated its intention to continue along the road to date: “We will continue to work and, of course, we will continue to denounce the violations of rights suffered by Basque political prisoners and their families.”
Steilas considers out of place the effort of the Rectorate of the UPV/EHU to prevent the participation of a person through a communication at the congress on Sovereignty(s) held recently in our university. We do not understand the attempt to obstruct the academic activity of a... [+]