The former mayor of o Grove (Galicia), José Alfredo Bea Gondar, brought the book to the courts because of the mentions made to it in some of the lines of this book on drug trafficking in Galicia. The former mayor denounced that the editorial Libros del KO and the author of the book committed a crime against his honor and that the Madrid Provincial Audience left him out of the tents for three months as a precautionary measure against the book in February 2018. In addition, Bea Gondar claimed the editorial Libros del KO a total of half a million euros for relating his name to drug trafficking.
Four months later, the same court reversed the measure and returned to the bookstores. The former mayor, for his part, filed an appeal against the Mayor’s decision. It has taken three years to complete the process, after the Supreme Court has now rejected the appeal. Thus, the defendants have been acquitted and Bea Gondar has been sentenced to pay the coasts of the Biscayan suburban area.
Nacho Carretero considers that the kidnapping of the book has been a judicial error and stresses that "freedom of information" has prevailed and that what counts in the book is "true". The book ban has increased interest and increased sales, which is appreciated as positive, but it has been an unpleasant process.
The editorial Libros de KO announced the victory on your Twitter account:
Almost four years of judicial process the Supreme has given us reason. Edo esan abbey: "Dismisses the cassation and exceptional procedural remedies brought by Bea Gondar". Hori esan da. WE HAVE WON! Congratulations to @Nacho Carretero. Game over.
— Books by K.O. (@librosdelko) February 3, 2021
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