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Many issues and challenges will be discussed during the February Thursdays in Amikuze

  • From the 6th to the 27th of February, four events have been organized in Donapaleu. The first will be in the village house and the next ones in the Caminos area.
Marc Badal, 'Haziak' liburuaren egileetako bat, Donapaleuko Otsail Ostegunetan izango da otsailaren 13an, liburua aurkezten eta liburuko gaiei buruz gogoetatzen. Azpeitian egin zen liburu aurkezpena joan den irailean. / Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC-BY-SA

The initiative, launched in 1997 by the Abierta association, adhered to its mold and in pure Basque, will have a new edition in February 2025. "What motivates us is the creation of a place and a moment where Basque is hegemonic," says Open member Mattin Irigoien in the Kazeta. The topics to be discussed, however, will not only be related to language, but will be "issues that affect us as citizens".

The conference that will give an introduction to programming has been the title given to this year’s Thursday February: The bloody daily life of Palestine. In a conference format, in order to deepen the historical and geopolitical perspective, the session will focus on two parts: first, they will talk about the colonization and aggressions suffered by the Palestinian territories since 1917, among which the attendees will have the opportunity to receive testimonies; and second, they will focus on the offensive launched by Israel since October 7, 2023, with the testimonies of the members of the groups that are working to support the Palestinian people.

On the other hand, on February 13, a topic related to agroecology and the defense of the land will be addressed. The talk has the motto “The Challenge of Local Seed Recovery”. Two speakers will be invited: Niko Mendiboure, member of the Semilla network, and Marc Badal, who has published the book Seeds with LIGHT and the Garden of Life. Some five multinationals have taken possession of the vast majority of the world’s seeds, as reported in this LUZ report, and will reflect on its impact, as well as on the aims and evolution of the Seed Network.

On the 20th of February, Peio Berterretxe will be invited: The motivations for doing horseback riding will be mentioned, and Berterretxe will present the recently published master’s thesis to the public. We reported that at the end of last year. In recent years, Berterretxe has conducted and studied various horseback riding, libertarianism and/or room-theatre.

On 27 February, another issue of concern will finally be addressed: Marine currents and climate change. The explanations will be given by Paul Moal Darrigad, who has just made his thesis in oceanography. This young researcher from Donapaleu has studied the evolution of currents in the Mediterranean Sea and their effects on other seas or oceans.

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