Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A world without cars

  • Let's put it from one side to the other and look at the road. 5 minutes. At any time of the day and by any means. And let's quantify the number of people who have gone through a vehicle over those five minutes. At six and a half o'clock in the morning, on a secondary axis, there could be 25 people. Think about another hour and on a more important axis how many people spend a minute. Let's color our road map according to traffic density. Let's start calculating. How many train wagons per minute could be filled if all the people who go through those journeys left by train?

16 April 2019 - 09:18
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Because to dream is free and free, let's imagine a world without private and individual transportation. In this world there would be public and collective transport (trains, buses, trams, hybrids…) with the necessary frequencies to be able to travel and ensure good connections between the lines.

Imagine the map of Euskal Herria (and that of Europe, of the world…) as the metro or bus map of the big cities. For example, a main line would link Baiona and Bilbao with several stations. Some stations would be the crossing point of several lines, as in a metro system, although it would obviously be more complex than a metro system.

It can already be guessed that someone raised their hand, saying that it would not be so simple for small peoples or for those who live far from the people. This further observation.

First of all, it should be taken into account that most of the road traffic passes through the same axles, the main roads are fitted by car. In theory, the idea of removing cars from the main axes is not absurd. The absurd thing is that thousands of people always walk the same road and each one in their car. Would such a system not be possible on secondary roads (on roads leading to small towns)? How often can the lines go to small towns? Or with what flexibility can public transport be organised? If desired, you can find exits. The same questions can be asked about night service. And finally, how do you get to an isolated house in a corner or a high? It can also have a way out. To start with, how many houses are actually isolated? On the other hand, we are now seeing the damage of this model of spatial planning.

Technology is changing every year and driverless cars are already announced in a relatively short space of time. By the way of the bicycles that are rented or by the Uber system, in a few years, wouldn't it be possible to use driverless cars to go from town square to home? This offer would also be part of this public transport system. We're going to dream. When we freed ourselves from the bondage of the car, we would take advantage of those hours that we accumulated in the hallway for a year. Getting out of the car, whether you want it or not, would revolutionize life itself, starting with the habits of production and consumption. Likewise, by encouraging commercial agreements between the public transport network and publishers or the press, people would have time to read much more, it would be a new encouragement for literature and the press.

The alarm went off. Unfortunately, apart from limiting some measures to promote public transport, the world does not seem to be looking at it. Neither large companies nor private individuals. Roundabouts, tolls and yellow jackets are also symbols of the car. However, individual transport, with oil or electricity, is not viable. Let's keep dreaming and socializing sleep.

This news has been published by Enbata and we have brought it thanks to the CC-by-sa license.

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