Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A thousand people elected against the electric highway

  • The platform has launched the 1000 Yes initiative and will hold a meeting in September. The platform Autopista Eléctrica No reports that it has begun a campaign to receive the support of a thousand elected members against the high-voltage electricity network. The declaration already promoted by the platform has been joined by 300 elected representatives. There are 40 mayors.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

09 July 2018 - 10:40

Among the signatories are the elected Sakandans. They want to get the 1000 protections between September and that same month they will hold a meeting to demand the cancellation of the project to make the new line.

According to the platform, REE SA has presented for the third time the project for the construction of the high-voltage electricity line between the Sea and the Deicaztelu. He first introduced it a decade ago. It was recalled that this and another had been cancelled. "What more must we do to respect the will of the majority? To continue with the project would be to mock the legitimate representatives of the citizens." They supported the optimization of existing infrastructures and the implementation of plans to improve the supply in the regions covered by the project.

Alberto Frias, spokesperson for the platform, said that the company has used several arguments to justify its three projects; “the real goal is to increase the profits of multinational electricity, making our territory a mere support”. Frias added that “apart from environmental and social considerations, the Deicaztelu-Mar project has become a test of the democratic health of the system, of the dependence of governments on electric companies.” The 1000 yes initiative aims to put the governments of the Basque Country “in front of the mirror of their contradictions until they say something”.

This news has been published by Guaixe and we have brought it to Luz with the CC by-sa license.

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